Sunday, February 17, 2019


Our last tale tells a story from long ago. There was a knight named alexander,  or alex, who was riding when he stopped for a drink of water. He was taken off guard when he heard a tiny female voice. Looking around, Alex couldn't figure out where it had come from until he saw it. The voice had com from a female frog with a golden crown , which completely took Alex off guard. "Hey handsome," she said, "I'm a princess who has been trapped by a magic spell, and the only way for m to be released from it is to be kissed by a handsome guy such as yourself." The knight had heard similar stories such these that told of royalty being released from curses by kisses and quickly scooped up the frog and planted a kiss on her, thinking he would have life made as the husband of a princess. He could not be more wrong, however.

By kissing the frog, a magic was released into him that immediately turned his jet black hair into a strawberry blonde color. His arms became very short with french manicured nails as well as becoming more petite. His shoulders crunched getting smaller and narrower as his waist underwent a similar transformation.His back started to develop an arch and, at the same time two fair sized C cup breasts came into formation on his chest. After that his face gained more delicate effeminate features with soft kissable lips being its most prominent feature before lipstick and make up powder covered his face.With that his hips grew to child bearing proportions getting wider with every moment until they stopped at a good with to give him a distinct pear shape. All his armor he was wearing fell onto the ground and the clothes he wore fused to become a white dress with a pink petticoat. The dress was stretched backward when his ass swelled into a perfect round bubble before his legs gained thickened mass.Finally his dick inverted into a vagina to make a full woman out of him/her before earrings pierced her ear lobes and a tiara materialized on her head. A name popped into her head, Alexandria, and she knew that was who she now was. what she didn't know was the frog was a magic frog the king and queen had hired to create a daughter by any means necessary for them. Alexandria was also unaware that they needed a daughter to marry off to a rival kingdom to create an alliance and keep from being destroyed. Princess Alexandria was immediately transferred to her "parents" by knights waiting for in the area and transferred to her new husband thereafter. The frog, having received a hefty sum for her troubles, hopped away happily.



At 25 years old, Mark was struggling to find his way in life. Due to this, he found a job cleaning up after the animals at his local zoo. Of course like any other frustrated person did, he talked to himself out loud voicing his frustrations about his rough life. He was cleaning the elephant pen at this time, which was his least favorite job, not realizing that the elephant understood every word he was saying because the elephant, of course, possessed magic abilities. The elephant heard him say, " i wish I could have a different life than this," before turning to the elephant and saying, " even you have a better life than me. You can do whatever you want and you get fed and pampered." This was all the elephant needed and Mark was shocked when the elephant seemingly winked at him. Mark didn't know that that wink symbolized an epic change in his life.

Mark's skin started to turn gray and get a leathery feel to it. He was then forced onto all fours as his ears began to fan out more. His arms and legs started to thicken up as his height on all fours started to drastically increase to about eleven feet tall. His bones at this point had cracked and expanded in both width and mass as body started to grow. His body started to put on a ton of weight....literally. A nub started to push out of his tail bone to become a thin leathery tail with bristles on the end as more weight was added to his growing body, shredding his clothing. His face stretched out with his skull becoming larger and different shaped while while his fingers and toes fused and,along with his hands and feet became solid and round shaped. His teeth started to take on a different shape to them with his canines stretching out to become large tusks. After that his nose started to grow longer and longer until it was a big trunk that stretched down from his face while his ears finished growing into fan-like structures and he finished putting on weight at ten thousand pounds. Finally he felt his dick start to shift, but it was strange, as though it were receding into him. What Mark didn't realize was that it had become a gaping vagina that sat beneath his tail, and that his balls had followed becoming a set of ovaries. Mark was now not only an elephant, but a female one as well. She finally realized this when the male elephant made his way over to her and jumped on  her before inserting his giant penis into her awaiting vagina. While the remaining part of her humanity in her mind knew this was wrong, her animal instincts took over and she allowed her new mate to breed her. When he finally released his load into her, a whole gallon's worth, she walked over to the feeding area and began to eat off the trees. She knew that she would would be an elephant for the rest of her life at this point but did not care as she would be taken care of in that life, and the male elephant was also happy as he had finally got his mate.



Rick was a ranch owner who had quite a few animals. Recently he had got into breeding stock to make an extra fortune. To do this he had bought a very high priced boar who's siring services were desired by many sow owners. Rick would run an operation where sow owners left their sows at the ranch for a price and the boar would breed them, giving the sow owners a good return investment on their animals. Business was going well for a while until the value of pigs shot down drastically. While Rick had made his money back and then some, his siring business was over for the moment and all he had was a boar just eating all day now. Rick had not realized that the boar he owned was not what it seemed. It was in fact a magic pig that was pretty pissed off at this point. Everywhere it had lived had had a lot of sows for him to breed with and, for the fist time in his adulthood, he was in a dry spell. With Rick as the only living contact he had, the pig decided to end that dry spell.

The pig stared Rick in the eyes and he was, for some reason, compelled to get down on all fours. All of his red hair fell out as his hands and feet were hardened and converted to hooves. His arms and legs also shortened with his back legs developing hocks. With that he felt a tug in his groin as pulled up inside him. A vagina formed his member's place moving up below the curly tail that had sprouted out of his spine before his insides shifted to make way for new reproductive organs. Her ears became point and widened to the top of her head. Rick's face started to push out, becoming a rounded snout as she started to snort when she tried to speak. Her teeth became tusk like causing her to feel pain and squeal. her body widened more than it was, becoming globular in nature, putting on tones of fat. Teets lined the bottom her torso which had become pink in color like the rest of her body. Rick could only make grunting and squealing noises at this point making her a full fledged fat sow. Before Rick could do anything, the boar had already jumped on her and proceeded to breed his new sow. Rick, who could only sit there, as the boar continuously pumped into her before finally releasing his seed. People had noticed Rick was missing and after several years, they assumed he was dead and his belongings were auctioned off by family members. By this she had given birth to several litters of piglets, courtousy of the magic pig. when it came time for her to be auctioned off, potential buyers were wowed by the perfect body of this sow as breeding stock. Some were men she had done business with as a human, and were completely unaware they were bidding for their former friend.



You were out fishing one day at a remote spot that was rumored to have some pretty big fish. You (Dan) were an above average sized guy, standing at 5'11 at 180 pounds. After a few hours of trying and a hard fight you finally managed to snag a fish. It was about three feet long and you were excited to have such a good catch, but were caught off guard when the fish spoke to you. He told you that if he was let go, he would offer you a wish. Figuring this to be true given the fact that you never knew a fish could talk. You let him go, the fish true to his word, stayed to grant your wish. In a typical act, you wish to be extremely attractive. The fish and then swam in a circle and said let it be done. You didn't know, however, that the fish made the wish to be attractive in different specifics.

You notice that the tank top you were wearing has thinner straps and the shirt itsel became frilly in nature. Mass on your body seemed to melt away, leaving you with a more petite body with a curvy waist and narrower shoulders. Your arms while retaining some definition, grew shorter while your fingers became dainty. You felt your skull crack and re-shape, becaming smaller while your face gained a round shape. Your face also gained dimples and an overall cute look with pouty lips. Your above average height of 5'11 was soon diminished to a mere 5'1, losing nearly a foot of height as two bumps pressed out your chest to become a pair of B cup breasts. Your hair changed color from brown to a golden blonde before lengthening past your shoulders and tying itself into twin ponytails. After that your legs gained mass to become thicker as your hips became wide as opposed to your tiny body. After that your butt swelled up to become a big round booty that jiggled as you moved. You felt strange in your groin area, as though you were more flexible, and realized your manhood had diappeared before you let out a high pitched scream in your new voice. You also find that your swim trunks have turned into a white thong that uncomfortably rested in between your booty. You rush to your back and find so many things have changed as your I.D. now registers you as a girl named Danielle, which makes you realize reality has altered. You then quickly go back to your pole trying to hgook the talking fish, or possibly others like him to change back, not knowing that your efforts would be in vain



It was a Saturday afternoon and  Adrian the world class bull rider was in for the ride of his life. It had been discovered by people that a magic bull existed. This bull was reasoned with and was told he could have an avenue to have fun and make his mischief through magic in the bull riding ring. In return he would get the best feed and hay that money could buy as well as cows that he could breed with. He was also given free roam wherever he wanted but cared not to go far. As for the mischief in the ring, anyone who failed subjected themselves to the bull changing them as a punishment. The competitors were given a million dollar prize if they won, but of course few ever succeeded. Adrian, ever the risk taker, decided to undertake the challenge and ride the magic bull. With rugged good looks, at 5'10, and a muscular build paired with his skill, Adrian was a favorite to actually win. When the challenge occurred Adrian was doing well, keeping hold as the bull bucked. However, with an unexpected move Adrian few off at 7.87 on the clock, barely losing. Adrian looked on in fear at this and realizing how close he actually came to the prize money. Of course the bull, being an intelligent animal, didn't try to smash him as a regular dumb animal did, but rather approached him with glowing red eyes that made Adrian know that this could mean only one thing.

Adrian felt his hands start to shrink to become petite and manicured as well. The same changes occurred in his arms which became more slender. After that his brown hair lightened a few shades to bright blonde, becoming curlier and flowing down to his lower back which had developed a perfect arch. Two perky B cup sized boobs pressed out of his chest hanging freely. After that his face started to contort and change in a very feminine one. Before being covered in make up and ruby red lipstick. With that, he felt a pinch in between his legs as his balls slipped into his body and his dick shrank to give way to a tight pussy causing the new woman to let out a very girly moan. Her height slipped down from 5'10 to 5'5 compacting her body while it became curved more in the waist. Her hips became epically wide as her legs became smoother gaining thick mass as well. finally she felt her ass plumpened up, getting rounder and sexier. her clothes altered to only a red button up and a black thong that slid in between her massive arse with a red cowgirl hat that rested on her head. The hat put very sexual thoughts into her head that made her want to have tons of sex with hot guys. Adrian, now Abbey, was by all means a sexy woman now and would be riding things other than bulls from now on.



Jarrod had just bought a horse that he intended to ride on an everyday basis around his ranch he owned. The horse was a huge chestnut brown mare that he had bought from a woman who decided she couldn't take care of a horse anymore due to new responsibilities. The horse was said to be docile creature and tamed to where it was easily rideable. The only problem was that unbeknownst to the previous owner, or anyone for that matter, this horse was one of the magical animals. Though it was not one of the particularly intelligent ones it was just as powerful and was shocked when given to a male owner when it had dealt with only a female owner in its life. In fact it had dealt with no men at all. It unwittingly released magic into Jarrod's proximity, magic that would change him permanently.

First Jarrod's short cut brown hair turned wavy and grew out of his head rapidly before gaining blonde streaks as it reached the middle of his back. His legs stretch out and become more toned and hairless making him taller but he was returned to his previous height of 5'4 when his torso compacted more. His arms became shorter and hands better manicured with well rounded finger nails. His waist ten became extremely curvy with very well toned abs and overall, an hourglass shape.Jarrod's face felt like was twisting in  reality it was morphing to a more fitting one as it became a flawless! face of a woman. His ass became more rounded with greater mass before lifting up to exentuate his new form. After that Jarrod felt sick to his stomach, feeling as though something were being pulled pulled into him. in reality this was his new reproductive organs forming along with his penis converting to a tight pussy, making a woman out of him. Her clothing then changed to fit her new form as she felt her boxers pull up, shrinking into a zebra print g-string that fit nicely in between her toned butt cheeks. Her now sagging jeans then tightened and shortened to a pair of daisy dukes that cut just below her ass. A chain belt then appeared around her waist and a necklace around her neck. Her top disappeared and sleeveless blue bando top replaced it around her chest. It was then that two giant orbs exploded out of hr chest and grew until they were a hefty EE cup which effectively filled the skimpy top. With all that her mind changed along with reality. She was a sexy big boobed woman named Jenny who loved riding her horse around her ranch. Though whenever she saw a cowboy she liked, that wasn't the only thing she liked to ride.



Andreas was a big athletic guy who was good looking at 6'5 with a muscular build. He was also a star athlete who felt he could get away with anything due his high profile local status. One of the things he liked to do was go out with his friends to the local farm and cow tip. He mainly did this at night but decided to try doing it during the day. He was alone on this particular day when he saw his target and proceeded to try to push the cow over. Suddenly, however, the cow stood on its back two legs and spun in a whirlwind. Soon the cow was wearing a pink tutu and had wings. "Hiya Andreas," it said , " you may be wondering how I know you r name and that's because I'm the magic cow and you've been a bad boy from what I've seen pushing my species around and whatnot. I think its time for you learn whats its like." With that the magic cow cast a bit of magic and watched it unfold upon Andreas.

The magic began to take effect, forcing Andreas' ears outward and making them take an almond shape on the lobes. Right after that he felt a pain just above his ass anda small nub started to grow until a long whhite tail protruded from the base of his spine. His nose started to become wider with bigger nostrils while truning pink and black in color. His face stretched out and become elongated. Soon thereafter Andreas was forced down to his hands and feet when oll his gingers and toes fused together and turned black before hardening into hooves. Andreas then became taller on his hands and feet standing at 5'7 before all muscle mass turned to fat. It didn't stop there however as he continued to put more and more weight on, developing different musculature and tndons in the process. This caused him pain as he screamed " help me-oooooooo," losing his ability to speak. Four teets appeared on his stomach and started to lenghtenbefore a mass also took form above them, becoming a pink udder. Black and white splotvhed fur sprouted all over his body, covering it in its entirety. Finally the now miniscule penis he had compared to the rest of his now larger body, fully disappeared and gave gave way to a gaping vaina equiped with all reproductive organs before moving itself between her now large hip bones. Things had turned out real bad for Andreas as she was now not only female but a fat cow as well. The magic cow then disappeared laughing. Andreas tried to call her back, but it was no use as she could only moo now. Things turned from bad to worse however as while her moos didn't bring back the magic cow but they did attract the attention of the bull in the pen. He quickly walked over to inspect the new cow in his pen, sniffing her moist vagina. There was no use trying to get awat as the bull was muh more comfortable on four legs than she was. He jumped on top of her and unsheathed his penis before inserting it into her open pussy. He pumped into her for a solid thirty eeconds before unleashing his seed into her. Over the next few days he would repeat the process on poor Andreas, breeding her repeatedly to make sure his genes were passed on. Andreas could do nothing as animal instincts took over whicj included eating grass, being milked everday and of course being bred by the bull. She would spend 11 months being pregnant before giving birth to a calf. The magic cow could only laugh after this as she looked on at her handiwork



Evgeny was on vacation at an island resort and was in it for a good time and relaxation.Being an avid scuba diver he went to explore the coral reef and see the many different species of ocean life. It was an amazing and unique experience on this island that he was enjoying. That was until he ran into the pink dolphin. The pink dolphin was a so called myth and he was utterly surprised to see it. He didn't know thought that it was a magic animal and a sexist one at that, in the fact that it hated males. If a woman saw it, then it would peacefully swim by, but if a man saw it.... well Evgeny would find that out soon enough.

The dolphin first made Evgeny's skin darken to the color of the local people on the island. It hen zig zagged around him making his body frame shrink to thinner proportions as hios arms and hands followed suit and his height shrunk a coupl inches to 5'4. His abdominals also became more toned and his back developed a sexy defined arch. The rugged manliness features that his face possessed melted away and were replaced by beautiful feminine features such as plump kissable lips. His short brown hair then lengthened and turned darker until it was black before lengthening and tying itself in a bun. Two orbs started to push out of his chest before taking form and becoming a pair of C cup breasts. His hips widened out to child bearing proportions and his ass started to swell until it was a giant round bubble butt. His legs thickened as well to acommodate these new proportions putting a certain pressure on his groin. The pressure continued until his dick was forcibly pushed into his groin and a wet pussy was created. Evgeny, or Eva, as she would now be known got to shore and found her clothing had changed too. Instead of men's swinwear she was wearing a purple and green thong bikini that left little to the imagination. She found also that she was a local girl who lusted after heavily by tourists. It appeared the dolphin had changed reality too as well as her sexual preferences as she grew wet looking at all the buff men on the beach. Eva hoped this new life wouldn't hold any more unwanted surprises however pleasant they might make her feel.



It was day just like any other day, and Zoe was at her friend Brianna's house. Zoe was very pretty girl with blue eyes and a below average height and long brown hair. They were talking boys and gossiping about girl things when Brianna's new German Shepard, Rex, came into the room. Brianna told Zoe how he was a stray and was so friendly they had to keep him. Brianna left to run an errand, leaving Zoe to play with her dog. Zoe started playing a little rough with the dog getting him excited. he was just playing but bit her drawing a bit of blood. What she didn't realize was that this dog was a magic animal and passed some of its saliva had gotten in the wound. What she did notice was the pressure in her fingers as the started to shrink and become stubbier while her nails turned black as well as became thicker and thicker. These same changes were happening on her toes as well while she fell to her hands and knees. Her whole body frame started to shrink along with her limbs with her knees cracking and bending exverted instead of inverted. It was then that Zoe felt a nub grow just above her butt before it grew out  covering her newly shifted vagina. Her spine cracked and  her shoulders were pushed above the rest of her body as she felt a pressure in her facial area. This culminated in Zoe's face pushing out into a muzzle with her teeth becoming sharper canines. Her nose also became black and flatter and her ears became floppier and pointed. Her once supple breasts shrank and row of teets formed on her body. Zoe's brown hair then attached to the pack of her neck and wherever else it reached while shaggy white hair covered the bottom of her neck and underbelly as tan gray hair also appeared with brown hair all over her body. She managed to wriggle out of her clothes and tried to speak but only barks came out of her mouth. She was, by all means, a collie bitch now, and she forgot about her one new other problem in the room.......

Rex quickly rushed over and started smelling her ass.  She moved away, but Rex kept following her. She tried to nip at him and that worked, but only for a bit and he was back at it. Rex knew what he wanted in his animal instincts and and that was Zoe. He jumped on top of her back after that. Zoe knew what he was trying to accomplish and tried to move away but the dumb animal ( he's one of those animals that didn't realize he was endowed with powers) was bigger and stronger than she was being a male and a bigger breed. He met his mark and entered her awaiting snatch causing Zoe to howl out loud. Rex di his work and began humping her, fucking her thoroughly. Zoe couldn't believe it, she had been a beautiful human girl  just minutes ago and was now a bitch being fucked by her best friends dog. Rex finally shot his seed into her and his penis formed the typical knot in her pussy, leaving them stuck together. It was then that Brianna entered her room and saw her dog balls deep in a new collie that was in her room. She saw Zoe's clothes on the floor and seeing the gaping holes in her panties and jeans as well as the shaggy hair within her clothing. She quickly put two and two together and figured out that Zoe had somehow been transformed into this new dog and worse, her dog had bred her. When Zoe was eventually freed Brianna cried and apologized that this had happened to her and that she would try to find a way to turn her back. She decided to not tell anyone lest they think she was crazy or worse blame her for Zoe's disappearance. Zoe would eventually give birth to a litter of puppies due to her and Rex's little escapade, and the cycle continued more times as brianna couldn't very well have her spayed. Brianna could never find a way to change friend back, and worse, one day she was bitten accidentally by Rex and would finally find out what happened to her friend.



It was easter time and Bastian was getting ready to celebrate easter in the best way he knew how, by partying. He had a whole set up in his backyard for his buddies to come and drink along with some very alcoholic jello eggs. When getting stuff done he suddenly tripped and heard a voice say, "watch where the hell you're going." When he turned around he saw a black and white rabbit on the ground that looked very annoyed. Astonished at the talking rabbit, bastion quickly grabbed it and placed it on the table.

"What's the big idea jackass. You friekin see a talking rabbit and think you can just grab me. Fuck man!" yelled the rabbit

I-I-I'm sorry,"stuttered Bastian in an frightened voice, " are you the easter bunny or something."

" What the fuck do you think. Of course I am," the rabbit yelled in an increasingly angry tone, " and its not the fucking easter bunny, its the easter rabbit. GOD I HATE THAT!"

" But I thought none of that stuff was real, like santa the tooth fairy and what not," said Bastion

" Oh Santa's very real and he's a dick. He had me fired a couple hundred years ago cause he thought I didn't relate to children when he really was jealous I was getting too much attention and popularity. The magic committee begged me for years to come back, and now I figured what the hell. Besides those bastards are stuck with me now, my contract's iron clad. Now before I have to be all nice and stuff for the children I feel like causing some mischief, and since you've made a genius move to piss me off, I've got something special for you."

The rabbit's eyes glowed red and Bastian soon felt himself pulled into the air. His brown hair turned curly before also changing color into a dirty blonde shade and cascading down past his shoulders. His height decreased by nearly a half foot going from 6'1 to an average 5'5 ( if you were a girl at least). A bracelet appeared on his wrist causing his arms to be more slender along with his shoulders and hands which now had pink nail polish on their finger nails. His waist became curvy with a loud crunching sound as he developed an hourglass figure. After that, Bastian's face started to burn as he soon possessed a very girly, beautiful look. Right after that his chest swelled with two DD breats poppoing out. His hips became somewhat wider as his ass developed a thick cushioning before lifting up. Bastion's legs became more toned and hairless becoming sexy and one of his best new features. Finally his dick was squeezed into his groin which ended up with him having an empty void in the form of a vagina between her legs. The rabbit put on the finnishing touches soon thereafter. Bebe as she was now known now sported a pair of fake rabbit ears on tops of her head as well a frilly white pair of bra and panties with a rabbit tail above her butt. All she could do was gasp in her new feminine voice in shock

"Later toots," said the easter rabbit, " have fun entertaining the guests at your party, especially the guys you little slut. The easter rabbit then hopped into the bushes leaving his victim in absolute surprise and shock.



Intro to the series: In this world there are my magical animals,  some of my pets are capable of speech. ome of the animals are intelligent and well aware of their abilities while others are not. It is best not to annoy, challenge, agree to terms with, or at some times even view these animals or else you may find yourself in very complicated situations. These are my Pets stories before they came to live with me and believe me there stories are great.

So choose which of my pets do you want to interact with?









