Sunday, February 17, 2019


Rick was a ranch owner who had quite a few animals. Recently he had got into breeding stock to make an extra fortune. To do this he had bought a very high priced boar who's siring services were desired by many sow owners. Rick would run an operation where sow owners left their sows at the ranch for a price and the boar would breed them, giving the sow owners a good return investment on their animals. Business was going well for a while until the value of pigs shot down drastically. While Rick had made his money back and then some, his siring business was over for the moment and all he had was a boar just eating all day now. Rick had not realized that the boar he owned was not what it seemed. It was in fact a magic pig that was pretty pissed off at this point. Everywhere it had lived had had a lot of sows for him to breed with and, for the fist time in his adulthood, he was in a dry spell. With Rick as the only living contact he had, the pig decided to end that dry spell.

The pig stared Rick in the eyes and he was, for some reason, compelled to get down on all fours. All of his red hair fell out as his hands and feet were hardened and converted to hooves. His arms and legs also shortened with his back legs developing hocks. With that he felt a tug in his groin as pulled up inside him. A vagina formed his member's place moving up below the curly tail that had sprouted out of his spine before his insides shifted to make way for new reproductive organs. Her ears became point and widened to the top of her head. Rick's face started to push out, becoming a rounded snout as she started to snort when she tried to speak. Her teeth became tusk like causing her to feel pain and squeal. her body widened more than it was, becoming globular in nature, putting on tones of fat. Teets lined the bottom her torso which had become pink in color like the rest of her body. Rick could only make grunting and squealing noises at this point making her a full fledged fat sow. Before Rick could do anything, the boar had already jumped on her and proceeded to breed his new sow. Rick, who could only sit there, as the boar continuously pumped into her before finally releasing his seed. People had noticed Rick was missing and after several years, they assumed he was dead and his belongings were auctioned off by family members. By this she had given birth to several litters of piglets, courtousy of the magic pig. when it came time for her to be auctioned off, potential buyers were wowed by the perfect body of this sow as breeding stock. Some were men she had done business with as a human, and were completely unaware they were bidding for their former friend.


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