Sunday, February 17, 2019


At 25 years old, Mark was struggling to find his way in life. Due to this, he found a job cleaning up after the animals at his local zoo. Of course like any other frustrated person did, he talked to himself out loud voicing his frustrations about his rough life. He was cleaning the elephant pen at this time, which was his least favorite job, not realizing that the elephant understood every word he was saying because the elephant, of course, possessed magic abilities. The elephant heard him say, " i wish I could have a different life than this," before turning to the elephant and saying, " even you have a better life than me. You can do whatever you want and you get fed and pampered." This was all the elephant needed and Mark was shocked when the elephant seemingly winked at him. Mark didn't know that that wink symbolized an epic change in his life.

Mark's skin started to turn gray and get a leathery feel to it. He was then forced onto all fours as his ears began to fan out more. His arms and legs started to thicken up as his height on all fours started to drastically increase to about eleven feet tall. His bones at this point had cracked and expanded in both width and mass as body started to grow. His body started to put on a ton of weight....literally. A nub started to push out of his tail bone to become a thin leathery tail with bristles on the end as more weight was added to his growing body, shredding his clothing. His face stretched out with his skull becoming larger and different shaped while while his fingers and toes fused and,along with his hands and feet became solid and round shaped. His teeth started to take on a different shape to them with his canines stretching out to become large tusks. After that his nose started to grow longer and longer until it was a big trunk that stretched down from his face while his ears finished growing into fan-like structures and he finished putting on weight at ten thousand pounds. Finally he felt his dick start to shift, but it was strange, as though it were receding into him. What Mark didn't realize was that it had become a gaping vagina that sat beneath his tail, and that his balls had followed becoming a set of ovaries. Mark was now not only an elephant, but a female one as well. She finally realized this when the male elephant made his way over to her and jumped on  her before inserting his giant penis into her awaiting vagina. While the remaining part of her humanity in her mind knew this was wrong, her animal instincts took over and she allowed her new mate to breed her. When he finally released his load into her, a whole gallon's worth, she walked over to the feeding area and began to eat off the trees. She knew that she would would be an elephant for the rest of her life at this point but did not care as she would be taken care of in that life, and the male elephant was also happy as he had finally got his mate.


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