Sunday, February 17, 2019


Andreas was a big athletic guy who was good looking at 6'5 with a muscular build. He was also a star athlete who felt he could get away with anything due his high profile local status. One of the things he liked to do was go out with his friends to the local farm and cow tip. He mainly did this at night but decided to try doing it during the day. He was alone on this particular day when he saw his target and proceeded to try to push the cow over. Suddenly, however, the cow stood on its back two legs and spun in a whirlwind. Soon the cow was wearing a pink tutu and had wings. "Hiya Andreas," it said , " you may be wondering how I know you r name and that's because I'm the magic cow and you've been a bad boy from what I've seen pushing my species around and whatnot. I think its time for you learn whats its like." With that the magic cow cast a bit of magic and watched it unfold upon Andreas.

The magic began to take effect, forcing Andreas' ears outward and making them take an almond shape on the lobes. Right after that he felt a pain just above his ass anda small nub started to grow until a long whhite tail protruded from the base of his spine. His nose started to become wider with bigger nostrils while truning pink and black in color. His face stretched out and become elongated. Soon thereafter Andreas was forced down to his hands and feet when oll his gingers and toes fused together and turned black before hardening into hooves. Andreas then became taller on his hands and feet standing at 5'7 before all muscle mass turned to fat. It didn't stop there however as he continued to put more and more weight on, developing different musculature and tndons in the process. This caused him pain as he screamed " help me-oooooooo," losing his ability to speak. Four teets appeared on his stomach and started to lenghtenbefore a mass also took form above them, becoming a pink udder. Black and white splotvhed fur sprouted all over his body, covering it in its entirety. Finally the now miniscule penis he had compared to the rest of his now larger body, fully disappeared and gave gave way to a gaping vaina equiped with all reproductive organs before moving itself between her now large hip bones. Things had turned out real bad for Andreas as she was now not only female but a fat cow as well. The magic cow then disappeared laughing. Andreas tried to call her back, but it was no use as she could only moo now. Things turned from bad to worse however as while her moos didn't bring back the magic cow but they did attract the attention of the bull in the pen. He quickly walked over to inspect the new cow in his pen, sniffing her moist vagina. There was no use trying to get awat as the bull was muh more comfortable on four legs than she was. He jumped on top of her and unsheathed his penis before inserting it into her open pussy. He pumped into her for a solid thirty eeconds before unleashing his seed into her. Over the next few days he would repeat the process on poor Andreas, breeding her repeatedly to make sure his genes were passed on. Andreas could do nothing as animal instincts took over whicj included eating grass, being milked everday and of course being bred by the bull. She would spend 11 months being pregnant before giving birth to a calf. The magic cow could only laugh after this as she looked on at her handiwork


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