Sunday, February 17, 2019


Evgeny was on vacation at an island resort and was in it for a good time and relaxation.Being an avid scuba diver he went to explore the coral reef and see the many different species of ocean life. It was an amazing and unique experience on this island that he was enjoying. That was until he ran into the pink dolphin. The pink dolphin was a so called myth and he was utterly surprised to see it. He didn't know thought that it was a magic animal and a sexist one at that, in the fact that it hated males. If a woman saw it, then it would peacefully swim by, but if a man saw it.... well Evgeny would find that out soon enough.

The dolphin first made Evgeny's skin darken to the color of the local people on the island. It hen zig zagged around him making his body frame shrink to thinner proportions as hios arms and hands followed suit and his height shrunk a coupl inches to 5'4. His abdominals also became more toned and his back developed a sexy defined arch. The rugged manliness features that his face possessed melted away and were replaced by beautiful feminine features such as plump kissable lips. His short brown hair then lengthened and turned darker until it was black before lengthening and tying itself in a bun. Two orbs started to push out of his chest before taking form and becoming a pair of C cup breasts. His hips widened out to child bearing proportions and his ass started to swell until it was a giant round bubble butt. His legs thickened as well to acommodate these new proportions putting a certain pressure on his groin. The pressure continued until his dick was forcibly pushed into his groin and a wet pussy was created. Evgeny, or Eva, as she would now be known got to shore and found her clothing had changed too. Instead of men's swinwear she was wearing a purple and green thong bikini that left little to the imagination. She found also that she was a local girl who lusted after heavily by tourists. It appeared the dolphin had changed reality too as well as her sexual preferences as she grew wet looking at all the buff men on the beach. Eva hoped this new life wouldn't hold any more unwanted surprises however pleasant they might make her feel.


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