Sunday, February 17, 2019


Our last tale tells a story from long ago. There was a knight named alexander,  or alex, who was riding when he stopped for a drink of water. He was taken off guard when he heard a tiny female voice. Looking around, Alex couldn't figure out where it had come from until he saw it. The voice had com from a female frog with a golden crown , which completely took Alex off guard. "Hey handsome," she said, "I'm a princess who has been trapped by a magic spell, and the only way for m to be released from it is to be kissed by a handsome guy such as yourself." The knight had heard similar stories such these that told of royalty being released from curses by kisses and quickly scooped up the frog and planted a kiss on her, thinking he would have life made as the husband of a princess. He could not be more wrong, however.

By kissing the frog, a magic was released into him that immediately turned his jet black hair into a strawberry blonde color. His arms became very short with french manicured nails as well as becoming more petite. His shoulders crunched getting smaller and narrower as his waist underwent a similar transformation.His back started to develop an arch and, at the same time two fair sized C cup breasts came into formation on his chest. After that his face gained more delicate effeminate features with soft kissable lips being its most prominent feature before lipstick and make up powder covered his face.With that his hips grew to child bearing proportions getting wider with every moment until they stopped at a good with to give him a distinct pear shape. All his armor he was wearing fell onto the ground and the clothes he wore fused to become a white dress with a pink petticoat. The dress was stretched backward when his ass swelled into a perfect round bubble before his legs gained thickened mass.Finally his dick inverted into a vagina to make a full woman out of him/her before earrings pierced her ear lobes and a tiara materialized on her head. A name popped into her head, Alexandria, and she knew that was who she now was. what she didn't know was the frog was a magic frog the king and queen had hired to create a daughter by any means necessary for them. Alexandria was also unaware that they needed a daughter to marry off to a rival kingdom to create an alliance and keep from being destroyed. Princess Alexandria was immediately transferred to her "parents" by knights waiting for in the area and transferred to her new husband thereafter. The frog, having received a hefty sum for her troubles, hopped away happily.


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